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APC308 Financial Management

Individual assignment
Weighting – 100% of the marks for this module
This is an individual assignment of 3,000 words. (+ or – 10%)
The hand in date is: Friday 17th July 2015
Submission to be made electronically in PDF .doc or .dox format to Jira online
submission system
This assignment is in TWO parts, with each part carrying a maximum mark of 50%.
Part A
Critically evaluate and analyse the differing ways in which the shareholders of a
company can encourage its managers to act in a way that is consistent with the
objective of maximization of shareholder wealth.
In this section students should demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and an ability
to critically evaluate the importance of agency theory, and the role it plays within
financial management. The response should draw upon the differing techniques that
can be used by shareholders to reduce the agency problem that is faced within many
businesses. A critical evaluation of relevant academic literature should be
performed, providing clear evidence of wider reading within this topical area of
research, rather than simply describing the core concepts. Attempting to evaluate
within the context of real-life examples where shareholders have actively attempted
to address agency problems would assist in developing the depth of response offered.
Part B
In practice financial managers use a variety of differing investment appraisal
techniques upon assessing the viability of potential capital investment projects.
Critically compare and contrast two investment appraisal techniques, one of which
must be a discounted cash flow technique that would assist within the financial
management decision-making process.
In this section students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of two
investment appraisal techniques used by financial managers, how they can inform
future projects, what limits their ability to guide investment, and which technique you
would prefer (with reasons). The response should demonstrate evidence of wider
reading and application of the chosen techniques within a real-life business context,
supported through relevant empirical research. Real-life examples can be drawn
from differing countries, industries and individual businesses, clearly identifying
whether the investment appraisal techniques chosen are applied in practice. The
inclusion of relevant numerical examples to develop the response further would be
advantageous although should not form the main thrust of the work.
The University policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to
this piece of work.
Students should approach this assignment as an academic essay, weighing the
arguments for and against each issue, making comment on the literature and drawing
logical conclusions. Academic referencing using the Harvard referencing approach is
a key requirement of the assignment to demonstrate wider reading and to underpin
the discussions, ensuring they have relevant depth.
Marking Guide
The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are
1. Examined and critically evaluated the key strategic decisions that a business may
have to make and appreciated how accounting and finance can assist in making and
evaluating those decisions.
2. A critical understanding of specific analytical skills in key decision areas within
strategy and finance at local and international level
3. A critical understanding of the limitations of the current state of financial theory in
making strategic business decisions
4. Applied the key valuation concepts and methodologies of financial decision making
in order to contribute to the wider decision making of the organisation
Generic Assessment Criteria – Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree
Grade Relevance Knowledge Analysis Argument and Structure Critical Evaluation Presentation Reference to Literature
86 –
The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also unequivocal evidence
showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate
a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.
The work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning
outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly
compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse and there may be some evidence of originality
The work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. There is also clearly articulated t evidence
demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisfied At this level it is expected that the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited
above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.
70 –
60 –
Directly relevant to the
requirements of the
A substantial knowledge
of relevant material,
showing a clear grasp of
themes, questions and
issues therein
Good analysis, clear
and orderly
Generally coherent and logically
structured, using an appropriate
mode of argument and/or
theoretical mode(s)
May contain some distinctive
or independent thinking; may
begin to formulate an
independent position in
relation to theory and/or
Well written, with standard
spelling and grammar, in
a readable style with
acceptable format
Critical appraisal of up-to-date
and/or appropriate literature.
Recognition of different
perspectives.Very good use of
source material. Uses a range of
Some attempt to Adequate knowledge of a
fair range of relevant
material, with intermittent
evidence of an
appreciation of its
Some analytical Some attempt to construct Sound work which Competently Uses a variety of literature which
includes some recent texts and/or
appropriate literature, though not
necessarily including a substantive
amount beyond library texts.
Competent use of source
50 –
address the treatment, but a coherent argument, but expresses a coherent written, with only
requirements of may be prone to may suffer loss of focus position only in broad minor lapses from
the assessment: may
drift away
description, or to
narrative, which
and consistency, with issues at
stake stated only
terms and in uncritical
conformity to one or
standard grammar, with
from this in less lacks clear vaguely, or theoretical more standard views format
focused passages analytical
mode(s) couched in simplistic
of the topic
40 –
Some correlation with
the requirements of the
assessment but there
are instances of
Basic understanding of
the subject but
addressing a limited
range of material
Largely descriptive or
narrative, with little
evidence of analysis
A basic argument is evident, but
mainly supported by assertion and
there may be a lack of clarity and
Some evidence of a view
starting to be formed but
mainly derivative.
A simple basic style but
with significant
deficiencies in expression
or format that may pose
obstacles for the reader
Some up-to-date and/or
appropriate literature used. Goes
beyond the material tutor has
provided. Limited use of sources
to support a point.
35 –
Relevance to the A limited Heavy Little evidence of coherent Almost wholly Numerous Barely adequate use of literature.
Over reliance on material provided
by the tutor.
requirements of understanding of a dependence on argument: lacks derivative: the writer’s deficiencies in
the assessment
may be very
narrow range of material description,
and/or on
development and may be
repetitive or thin
contribution rarely
goes beyond
expression and
presentation; the
intermittent, and may
be reduced to its
vaguest and least
challenging terms
paraphrase, is common simplifying
writer may achieve
clarity (if at all) only by
using a simplistic or
repetitious style
The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied – for compensation consideration.
30 –
The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence provided shows that some of the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in some of the indicators.
15-29% The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence shows that few of the learning outcomes
and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in several of the indicators.
0-14% The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence fails to show that any of the
learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in the majority or all of the indicators.

Career Management

Table of Contents

PART 1: Who Am I?
1.1 Introduction Page 3
1.2 Reflection on the Psychometric tests Page 4
1.3 Reflection on skills audit Page 6
1.4 Personal SWOT Analysis Page 7
1.5 Personal Brand Page 8

PART 2: Where do I want to go?
2.1 An Analysis of two industries Page 9
2.2 Analysis of three companies within the industry Page 14

PART 3: How do I get there?
3.1 Introduction Page 17
3.2 My goals and preferred sector/role Page 18
3.3 Reflections on Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae (CV) Page 19
3.4 Reflections on (mock) Interview Page 21
3.5 My SMART future career plan Page 23

References Page 26

Appendixes Page 27

PART 1: Who am I?


Based on some foreigners’ opinions, the Vietnameses are diligent, industrious, tolerant and friendly. As a Vietnamese, I am proud to say that I also have those characteristics. I hope that I can promote my abilities in order to work best and behave well in social. Through this part of my portfolio, I will describe clearly about my reflection on psychometric test results and skills audit, my personal SWOT analysis and my personal brand.


1.2.1 The Work Style Questionnaire: (Appendix 1)

According to my results of The Work Style Questionnaire, I got 28 points of CO – Cooperative which said that I am always a person who can work well in a team and I will get the best out of other people; I can help team to jell and encourage others when they feel down and agitate even the quieter members of a team to bring their ideas. I think the result reflected 80% about me. I see myself as a motivated person; I can easily talk and share with other people so that it helps me to gain trust from them and I can understand more about them in order to encourage them well in work or other personal issues.

1.2.2 Humanmetrics Jung Typology test: (Appendix 2)

Follow the Humanmetrics Jung Typology test, my type is ESFP that stands for Extravert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. These kinds of ESFP people really like to talk, especially about human because they think it is very important to understand people; and most of the colorful storytellers are ESFPs. That’s the reason why the ESFP people can talk in different issues; they jump from thought to thought, or touching here or there in a manner or make others do not understand what they are talking about; but actually in final, they cover all the points by another information. What I want to say is ESFPs are very good at communicating. And I think this test reflects 95% about myself as I can talk quite well and share to others. However, sometimes I think it is my weakness because for some of the people, they do not like talkative person, they think those one are fake, unreliable and too curious about others’ lives.

1.2.3 The Big 5 Personality test: (Appendix 3)

The last psychometric test I have done to reflect myself is The Big 5 Personality test. According to the OCEAN personality model (there are Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism), it reflects me as the one who typically don’t seek out new experience, I tend to do thing unreasonable and non-sorted. However, it also refers me as I am sociable and I concern the company of others but I easily get nervous or anxious. I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. I think Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism reflect 100% about myself. Because I am the one who always look for new experience or intellect where I find it very interesting and I also do things follow my plan.


In the typical list of transferable skills for managers, I select spoken communication, team working and commitment to ethical practices and diversity as my important skills audit. The ability to express oneself in one-to-one, group meetings or through media is necessary when someone wants to transform information. Parallel to it is the way to use appropriate and diversity expressions to different audiences and contexts. Understanding of what to say at the right time, right place is also the ingenuity and respect that listeners can receive from you. Once you can talk fluently, you can contribute and work well for team working. It will be easier because you can ask what you do not know, exchange interesting ideas and share or help others out when needed. From that, you can learn ethical practices between team members, you understand and commit to myself how to live and act moral and ethical for job and life also. When you work with diversity colleagues and customers, you will learn to understand and appreciate other cultures and backgrounds.

However, I found myself with many omissions. I still say wrong thing at wrong time and make people unsatisfied. Also, I need to improve to express myself how to be friendlier and really sympathetic to others. In team working, I should be more patient and not be shy to give out my ideas. I need to have more knowledge about other cultures to make myself more confident when communicate to different foreigners.


Various obstacles in life will always test your strength and you got to see each setback as an opportunity to become stronger.

Through the SWOT analysis, I understand clearer about my strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. I find myself not bad at talking and communicating so it will become my opportunity to have good and different relationships in life. I am also tolerant and understanding so that I purposed to work for anything related to human being. Persuasive is also my strength. It will help me to work and cooperate with business partners. And with my innovative thinking and opened-mind, I have more opportunities to adapt new things, new ideas for me and my business in the future development.

However, I have many weaknesses more than strengths so I need to improve a lot. I will easily give up because I am very impatient in everything. Sometimes I will lose my good opportunities because I lack of impatience to pursue it to the end. After that I will regret of what I have done. I am distractive and careless and it will cause to my work could not be completed perfectly. It will also affect my listening skills to people and good things. Hot-tempered also makes me lost some difficult but potential customers. One more thing is I am too sensitive. I would easily be vulnerable if someone shows me that I am very special to him or her, I definitely will give my best to help. And because of that, I am easily fooled after helping them like losing money, friends or honor.
There are things that are difficult to control such as feelings or senses. It’s hard for me to change my sensitive mind but after going through bad things, I will take it as my experience. But I also will learn to know how to be sensitive at the right time and to the right people. I will improve my concentration skill to work well and be more careful. I think reading books is a great way to be more patient and concentrate on a thing that I need and am required to complete. Learning to ease and calm myself whenever bad things happen is very good for my hot-tempered.


Throughout my reflection, skills audit and SWOT analysis, I see myself as a sensitive, good speech and innovative person. It will be more opportunities if I work for human resource management. But I think business is not a bad idea. Because I am quite well at communication, I also like to work with business partners to know more knowledge and ways to operate systems and get profit from each other. I am creative and always give out different ideas to improve mission. I am self-confident to show to others about myself, how I am unique and affect to some people. I can memorize things and person well and would like to do sales because I can persuade and have good ability to advertise a product or what I want to sell.

PART 2: Where do I want to go?


2.1.1 Introductrion:

For students in their final year of studies identifying a suitable industry to work in becomes a very crucial decision. With this is mind, a review of two industries which I believe are most relative to my preferred career choice is analysed herein. The analysis will help me to fit my personality and which one should I attempt to work and put effort in the future. There are two industries I consider and feel most comfortable and have a passion for it.

The first one is Supporting Industry in the Construction field which involves producing raw materials, accessories, spare parts and semi-finished products to provide industry production, processing and assembly of finished products are production materials or consumer products. Mostly, I would like this because this industry in Vietnam is still weak and has not developed compared to other countries, I want to contribute and develop it. The main players within the supporting industry in relation to construction in Vietnam are VSIP – Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, HANSSIP – Hanoi Southern Supporting Industrial Park and Quang Minh Industrial Park.

The second one that interests me is the Education Industry, an industry which everyone understands the significance as it shapes the future of all mankind on earth. Simply, education has to do with bringing about ethical and intellectual changes in people as well as installation of perceptions and knowledge of them. As we know, the education industry in Singapore is developing well which includes famous public schools or other private schools both at school level and higher educational level. Many foreigners are lured into Singapore to pursue their education in Singapore from overseas destinations especially from within the region.

2.1.2 Supporting Industry:

Vietnam’s supporting industry is growing and it plays an important role in participating in the supply chain as well as the global value chain. Some companies and corporations have established manufacturing plants and assembled in Vietnam. This demonstrates that they expect to cut transport costs and risks, so it will create great opportunities for the supply of spare parts production in developing countries (Nham Phong Tuan, 2012).

The development of supporting industries is considered one of the top priority policies of Vietnam in order to promote the development of the industry, as well as contributing to accelerate the process of industrialization – modernization of the country. However, the reality of supporting industry in Vietnam is still weak and need conformable policies.

Currently, some Vietnam’s industries have the strengths such as electronics, textiles, footwear, assembly of automobiles, motorcycles, etc. There is almost no industry support comes along, they need to depend on natural imported materials, which produce much as fragmented, passive and higher production costs.

In recent years, the state has different incentives for businesses to support but the deals are not clear. Unfortunately, those benefits are mostly for the enterprises which have abroad invested.

In the early stages of the policy to attract foreign investment in the context of Vietnam has not joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Asian Free Trade Association.(AFTA) while foreign firms were targeting the expanding market in Vietnam which only invest in assembled products sold in the domestic market with a small capital. Consequently, virtually no foreign enterprises invest any real high-tech and technology transfer so Vietnamese just get some experiences in the organization of production and quality management (Junichi M., 2005).

However with the current situation, after the Vietnam joined the WTO and AFTA, Foreign Direct Investment enterprises remain or do new investment, they really want to find a long-term investment opportunities and cooperation with Vietnam but faced huge obstacle which is the supporting industry in Vietnam is too weak. Also, because of the current inflation, the cost of labor in Vietnam gradually is not cheap anymore.

In addition, practical skills of graduated engineers in technical schools in Vietnam have not met the requirements. Until now, about 500 companies supply products for the manufacturing of automobiles, motorcycles, and electronics. Most raw materials for manufacturing are imported.

According to many experts, Vietnam has great potential for the development of supporting industries, especially the export sectors have the potential in having a position as well as the lives of the people rise as chemical oil, processing of agricultural products for export, marine economy and information technology, etc (Scholtes and Philippe R., 1998)

To develop supporting industries, the enterprise needs to develop four important factors are human resources, technology, financial and distribution systems. Last but not least, they also need to create a completely legal framework to facilitate service sectors as well as enterprises engaged in supporting industries.

2.1.3 Education Industry:

Developing an individual’s mental state coupled with development of the mind and enhancement of knowledge is paramount to cultivating a society which empowers a nation.
Nelson Mandela – the hero of national liberation of South Africa once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

In education, the lack of committed teaching staff with competence is becoming increasingly difficult to source (W Kenneth R., 2012). The teacher problem arises in terms of capacity, quality, living and working conditions, socail conceptions of teaching and attitudes of teachers towards students. The requirements for teacher’s quality are very high. Simultaneously with the teaching of literacy, teachers have to teach lifestyles as well. Literacy is not merely imparting knowledge; it is giving students the ability to create and ability to adapt to any situation. Therefore, the learners must grasp the basic things first. The teacher must also be a good example of self-learning, self-rising and well moral personality to the students. Thus, the quality demands of the teachers are very comprehensive.

The second feature is investing in education. Many countries have already specially invested in education. For decades, they have invested approximately 20% of the annual budget for education development. Singapore has been known as a country giving high priority to developing the education system with multiple training from preschool to university, public school systems and private international schools to help students having various selections for themselves.

Last but not least, it is necessary to execute well the goal of improving people’s knowledge, personnel training and fostering talents.

Returning to the issue of education in Singapore, because of the demands and competitiveness of students, private schools have sprung up to provide educational opportunities for both local and foreign students alike. The Singapore government decided to establish strictl management processes for private schools in order to ensure the education standards are developed to provide a holistic, balance, stability and bring more benefits to students as well as improve higher educational standards. Singapore private schools are owned by private companies or operated by non-profit organizations. Mostly, they associated with famous and high ranking universities in different countries as US, UK and Australia with shorter academic programs. Moreover, those schools involve diverse disciplines such as business administration, marketing, media, fashion design, etc. The number of private schools offers courses to meet the needs of students. Therefore, private schools in Singapore are growing strong and the number of students increases every year.

In conclusion, humans are equipped with modern knowledge will be fundamental motivations of economic and social development. Therefore, education and training play crucial roles for each country, the development of education must precede economic development. It need to solve the problem of teachers, increase investment in education and improve teaching and learning.


This part is going to focus on the three industrial parks of the supporting industry which I am interested in. These industrial parks are famous and successful in Vietnam. They also had a strong support from the government because they have had created a lot of labor forces and formed crucial steps for the supporting industry; brought benefits to the country. In addition, they also affirmed that the supporting industry in Vietnam has been developed well and would be achieve certain success.

2.2.1 HANSSIP – Hanoi Southern Supporting Industrial Park:

HANSSIP belongs to The N&G Corporation in Hanoi, Vietnam which is civil construction, and industrial, mining, invest in building industrial parks and business real estate, investment consultancy and technology transfer, trade, logistics, manufacturing consumer goods, import and export. And HANSSIP is the most important project of this company. The total area of 640 hectares and planning intention of expanding to 2000 hectares and will be invested allocation into phases. It is a combination of industrial, urban areas, which has very important implications for the industry development in particular and economic development in general. In addition, this industrial park aims to attract foreign investments and create more jobs for people. Whereas it focuses on the investment in the fields of supporting industry as mechanic, textile, leather-shoes, electronic and IT, manufacturing and assembly of automobiles. Investors operate in the industrial park will receive special offers and support from different aspects. It could be financing, recruitment and training of labor or cooperation of exchanging technology. Moreover, they always put Human Resoruce Management as the top of important factor for the company.
Urban services of HANSSIP were planned and designed for low-rise residential area, high-rise apartment building, business center services, kindergardens, schools, hospitals, bus stops, etc. in order to ensure a healthy living environment, comfortable, modern workers in the industrial park. HANSSIP desires to associate long-term with the employees as well as the development of the enterprise. Until now, HANSSIP is the largest supporting industrial park in Hanoi and has many supporting from the government.

2.2.2 VSIP – Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park:

VSIP was established by the Joint Venture between the Vietanmese Government and the Singaporean Government. It is located far from Hanoi 16km and 39km to Noi Bai International Airport. With the support from the governments of Vietnam and Singapore, a joint venture between local and foreign partners by the prestigious groups, experience in the field of infrastructure construction and real estate. The total planned area of 700 hectares; including industrial zone is 500 hectares and 200 hectares of urban area. This industrial park has some special features like favorable geographical position, effective business environment and labor force skilled with customer care professional. The working environment of VSIP is where employees have opportunities to develop and be creative. In addition, attractive salary is not the only reason for people to work in VSIP. A rewards program and comprehensive benefits are designed to attract, retain and promote individual.

VSIP is considered as one of the model industrial park in Vietnam with the participation of capital investments and transfer of experience by such some pretigious groups as Sembcorp industry, Ascendas, United Overseas Land, etc. So far, VSIP has developed a total of five projects in the South (Binh Duong), North (Bac Ninh and Hai Phong city) and most recently in the Central (Quang Ngai) with a total of more than 6000 hectares of lands including industrial land, urban and services.

2.2.3 Quang Minh Industrial Park:

Quang Minh Industrial Park has a total area of 344.4 hectares which is located in Me Linh district, Hanoi far away from Noi Bai International Airport. It belongs to Investors Ltd. Investment and Infrastructure Development Nam Duc. It is a multi-sector industrial park, less polluting the environment, including major occupations like industry electromechanical assembly, food processing, light industry and consumer goods. It also involves jewelry processing, production of electronic components, motobike and mechanical engineering, etc. This industrial park concentrates on the workforce in the capital Hanoi. Hanoi is the largest concentration of University, College, and Intermediate in Vietnam. With a system of institutions that annually provides thousands of training intensive management, technical and highly skilled labors. Besides that, the population of Hanoi is about 6.5 million people whereas about 70% of the population is at working age. This is the workforce can provide adequate for the needs of investors in the industrial park. However, last few months ago, a big fire has occurred in this industrial park which cause to significant damage and consequences to them. Flame rises from the warehouse of the company Nippon Paint in Quang Minh Industrial Park. In just a few minutes, the fire broke out violently and quickly spread to the entire warehouse of the company. And until now, this industrial park still has not worked again.

PART 3: How do I get there?


This part is dedicated to analyzing my job search activity. First of all, I am going to focus on my specialization in the two industries I have mentioned in part 2. Secondly, I will reflect on my interview which I have done with my group. It will also reflect on the compilation of my Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Cover Letter. Last but not least, my SMART plan will help me to determine my future career.


My immediate plans are based on a five year time scale where at the end of it my aim is to achieve a level of progress that reflects the efforts I have put in and in line with my educational qualifications. I would have many more relationships with people in different cultures and I would improve and promote my skills, experience and knowledge in the new environment. And in further future, I will achieve my dream is starting up my own business.

In order to get closer to my future and dream, I will study and research carefully of the work environment which would be suitable to my ability and me. Having a clearly future plan is necessary for what I want to achieve. Moreover, I won’t stop promote my strength and improving my weakness in order to work in the best working environment.

My first intention plan is being work in the construction industry especially one of the most successful industrial park in Vietnam. It could be the position which is Human Resource department so I can communicate and support employees and improve relationships in working environment. And my second option is being as student support officer in education service. I can also promote my ability which it is taking care and understanding people.


• Reflections on Cover Letter: (Appendix 5)

This is the first time I have writen a Cover Letter. Therefore, mistakes are inevitable. Before writing, I need to study and research clearly the definition of a Cover Letter in order to understand the purpose of it. In addition, I also researched for many samples of good and bad ones so I can consider and take experience more for my own.

However, my cover letter still has some mistakes. It still got many wrong spelling and I have not used appropriate words which is important for a formal letter. Also, my writing has yet to be formal enough and I have corrected a lot. One more mistake is I have mentioned a lot of how I interested to the company which is actually not so necessary and can make the receiver feels like it’s not real.

Anyway, I have tried my best for the first time writing this. And I think it will also be my experience and practice for the next time I am going to write a cover letter for the company I will apply to.

• Reflections on Curriculum Vitae (CV): (Appendix 6)

For the first time of writing CV, I think it is not difficult to write it right. However, I also need to research a lot of samples because I want to make it exactly right and accurate to the form of basic CV.

But there are still some mistakes as the presentation I think it is still not exactly correct. The presenting of important issues such as achievements, interests, etc. is still not really clear because I have not graduated and there are still somethings that I could not write into the CV. Especially for the skills, I am still confused to write about it because there are not many special skills that emphasized that I am different to other people. My interest is also not much as I have only three keys about it and I think I should have more. Achievement is also an obstacle. As I am still young and still have not so many experience of working, it is hard to write other achievements of myself. I think I need to improve myself a lot and achieve more experience and skills so that I can be more confident to write a CV to apply to a company I would like to work.

Last but not least, I think my CV has met the requirement of the company in hiring people. And the industry I would like to work in is exactly what I write for CV and more over is the position I will attend.


• Interviewer:

My role here is just pretending to ask questions from the interviewee. Before that, I need to prepare the questions in order to be suitable with the content of a hiring interview. During the process of finding information, I did not research the best and special questions so that my questions have given out are too common.

Being an interviewer, I should exploit all the information from the interviewee and keep asking her many more questions and even those questions I have not prepared before. Since her CV was written down that her ability is on Marketing, I should not said that I thought marketing is more suitable for her than customer service.

However, I think I have made a lot of mistakes during the interview. The way I talked was very unclear and the intermittent is unreasonable. Also, when I asked questions, my voice trailed off at the end and did not hear the questions. And one more thing I need to consider and correct is my bad shape and informal sitting. It looked really impolite even it is just the “pretend” interview my skills.

• Interviewee:

Being an interviewee is the most difficult part because I was very nervous and afraid that would I do it well and answer in a good way. But after the preparation and failure, I got experience for myself.

For the preparation, I prepared good enough for the questions my interviewer gave. And I can answer it all quite fluently except sometimes I was nervous. I made eye contacts with the interviewer but actually my face was not look happy and it looked very nervous. I think it will affect a bit when interviewing because I should show that I am confident when answering the questions. For my role as being interviewee, we needed to repeat again because I did not focus and laughed so it affects the time of my friends.

I think I used too much body language which is not necessary and looked informal. About the content of my answering, I think I have repeated many times of whom I am which Im afraid that it will cause boring to the interviewer.

In general, I think I have done a good part and I need to improve my confidence more. I take some experience and I have learnt a lot of things from this. I think I will do it better for the next time.

• Observer: (Appendix 7)

This is the easiest part compared to the other two. Being an observer, I just need to observe how the interviewer and interviewee playing their roles and I was recording video for them.

I think both of my friends were doing well and they understood clearly what they were talking about and focused on how to do.

From my observation, the interviewer has prepared the questions quite common but very clearly and easy to help the interviewee understand. The interviewer grasped the questions very fast and answered fluently. They also kept eye contact and coordinated to each other.

Being an observer, I can understand and make it as my experience in the future. I can easily recognize the strengths or weaknesses of the interviewer and interviewee and reflected on myself.


This SMART future career plan will help me to identify flexible ways to deal with setting goals and creating plans in the future (Lisa H., 2012).

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant of Realistics and Time.
• Specific: A statement of exactly what you would like to accomplish.
• Measurable: The answer to this section is going to tell how success is measured.
• Achievable: Identify the steps to accomplish the goals.
• Relevant Realstics: Consider of how important the goal to myself and are there other people I need to help me to reach this goal.
• Time: Identify the time frame to achieve the goal.

These 5 steps below will help me to identify the best ways for me to achieve my goal and dream.

SMART Career Planner

Name: Nguyen Hoang Diep Anh
Overall goal: Successful Business Woman

Action steps
How? Resources

A = Available
N = Needed
How much money, time, emotional support Success criteria
How will I know once I’ve achieved it? Completion
By when?

Step 1: Getting the degree second-upper certification

A: Have passed first 2 modules with 1 Credit and 1 Distinction.

N: Need to pass other 3 modules and dissertation with Credit and upper.

While im still studying, I am still supported by family of financial and somehow am supported by the school and teachers of studying and knowledge.
I have spent 3 years to study diploma, advanced diploma and degree in the school and I have not failed any modules so it is lucky that I could save more time.
When I never fail any exams and I do not need to resubmit the papers as the last due date is on April 2014.
April, 2014 is the last date of submission and the results would come out after few months.

Step 2: Getting Japanese certification in Japan

A: Have already researched for some good schools and teachers in Japan.

N: Finishing degree and knowing a little Japanese from tutorial teachers before going to Japan.

Supporter is my parent because they are also very happy when I said I still want to study more before working.
Should spend 6 months to study in tutorial class and 1 more year to learn professional.
When I finish the course on time and can be proficiency in writing, reading, speaking and listening Japanese.
Octorber, 2016 is when the Japanese course will be ended.

Step 3: Getiing Master certification in Business Management in Japan (study in English)

A: Degree certification in Business Management.

N: Study well Japanese before that and can apply to Master course soon. Also, researching for schools and have more relationships in Japan is needed before studying Master there.

My parents can support me in school fees and my ability of financial can support me in living (in japan, students can easily apply for part time job and up to different placement, the salary is quite high to spend for living standards).
I will spend 2 years to study Master course and I need to put effort a lot because it is much harder than studying degree. Spending money is also an obstacle as it would be the first time I need to earn my living.
When I finish the course with all passed modules and get the certification.
January, 2019 when the Master course will be finished.

Step 4: Applying for full-time jobs in a business company in Japan

• Degree Certification in Business Management
• Master Certification in Business Management
• Proficiency in English and Japanese.

N: Research of what company I am interested in, prepare CV and cover letter and myself for an interview.

My knowledge and studying, experience of part-time jobs and somemore is different relationships I would have by myself in Japan.
Im not sure how long can I get a suitable and appropriate job but before that, I think I have had enough certification and experience. However, for the time of working to gain experience and relationships, it should take 2-3 years working abroad.

When I know that I have done the interview with the company and they contact me again to inform that I will be hired.
Around May to July, 2019. I will immediately apply for a job after getting the master certification.

5: Starting my own business in my country and become a successul businesswoman.

• Knowledge
• Experiences
• Relationships
• Financial (Not much but enough)
N: Go back to my country, investigate the market, build relationships and learn from my dad and ask him to help.

Myself, my parents and my relationships.
A lot of money (can loan from bank or parents and other relationships combine with my own capital).
When I have enough capability such as capital, place, purpose and other resources to start my own business.
Hopefully when I am 27 or 28 years old (around 2021 or 2022).


Lisa Haneberg (2012). The ASTD Management Development Handbook. USA: American Society for Training & Development.

Nham Phong Tuan (2012). A firm analysis of Supporting Industries in Hanoi city – Vietnam: Application of Resource-based View and Industrial Organization. Retrived from

Junichi Mori (2005). Development of supporting industries for Vietnam’s industries for Vietnam’s industrialization: Increasing positive vertical externalities through collaborative training. The Fletcher School.

Scholtes and Phillipe R. (1998). Business Services and Institutional Support for Industrial Development in Vietnam. Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, Vol. 15, No.2.

W Kenneth R., (2012). The Education Industry (RLE Edu D). USA and Canada: Routledge.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Personal SWOT Analysis

– Good communication skills
– Tolerant and understand people
– Persuative
– Innovative and opened-mind
– Impatient
– Distractive
– Careless
– Sensitive
– Hot-tempered

– Good relationships to other people
– The industry i’m interested in
– Adapting new things
– Easy to ignore good opportunity
– Easy to give up
– Hard to complete work well
– Vulnerable, Fooled

Appendix 5
Covering Letter

Letter of Application

Nguyen Hoang Diep Anh
58 Strathmore Avenue, 17-105
+65 81911060 /

15 December 2014

Mrs Pham Van Anh
Human Resource Manager
HANSSIP Industrial Park
Hanoi, Vietnam

Dear Madam,
I am looking for the Human Resource position within your department from May next year.

I am writing to you because I am so interested of this job since I have read the news of requirement jobs and vacancies in the Human Resource department on the newspaper. I have a strong interest in managing people and I am looking for a company that accepts for quality graduates. Since the HANSSIP Industrial Park running in investment and construction, Human Resource Management is vital key to manage employees in order to get the best and effective productivity.

I first became interested in the supporting industry environment after a visiting to your company. I was likely to work in a good working environment like that and I especially concern on human resource which is one of the most important key for a company’s success.

I have attached my CV together so you can consider myself to work on your department. I am a Vietnamese and I will graduate next year with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Business Management from the University of Greenwich, U.K. In Singapore, I have worked at some hotels as a part time job Banquet just to challenge myself and have more relationships. Also in my country, I have tried to open an online shop and helped my dad with his business in order to improve my skills and interact with people. I have learnt three languages which include my mother tongue as Human Resource Department needs people who connect different cultures in the company.

I am a motivated and understanding person with various skills and the ability to promote things is high. With 3 different languages, it will be easier to face new people from different countries not only employees but customers and other investors.

I would be most grateful if you could consider me for my suitable position further. I will be available to come and interview at anytime and I have attached my phone number and email above.

Your faithfully,
Nguyen Hoang Diep Anh

Appendix 6
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Nguyen Hoang Diep Anh
58 Strathmore Avenue, #17-105, Singapore 142058
Mobile: +6581911060

I am study in University of Greenwich (UOG) and I will graduate under Bachelor of Arts in Business Management (General) next year. I am good at negotiating and persuading people. I am also creative and have innovative ideas and tend to complete work following plan. I can speak Vietnamese, Japanese and English.

– To be awarded in 2015: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Management (General) at University of Greenwich, U.K.
– 2013-2014 : Advanced Diploma in Business Management (General) at ERC institute, Singapore.
– 2012-2013 : Diploma in Business Management (General)
at ERC institute, Singapore.
– 2011-2012 : English Course at SSTC, Singapore.
– 2010-2011 : Nhan Chinh High School, Vietnam.

– IELTS 6.0
– Awarded certificate as Best Group Presentation in Human Resource Management for presentation and analytical skills.
– Was voted in as the winner of the r ERC Hunks & Babes Competition, 2013 an annual talent search event held at the Institute. .

– Excellent in communication skills and teamwork.
– Japanese and English proficiency in speaking, writing, reading and listening.
As I am a talkative person and I have ability to listen, I can talk and understand people easier than others. I am also extraversion so I can be a good leader to negotiate and solve difficulties of people and create for them a good work environment. Hence, I am good at managing people.

• Singing and Performing
– High School performance team
– ERC photo-shoot for Vietnamese traditional day
• Interact with new people
• Volunteering

Appendix 7

Observer’s notes
Observer: Nguyen Hoang Diep Anh
Interviewer: Megawati
Candidate: Aldo Fernaldi

Tick box (5 = Excellent; 4 = Good; 3 = Average/Fair; 2 = needs improvement; 1 = poor).
5 4 3 2 1

General experience, punctuality & presentation

Listening and answering skills (how much evidence provided and preparedness to address questions adequately)

Understanding of job role (interpretation of the job description and tasks required)

Suitability to job role (ability to link previous/existing experience to job role)

Level of competency-based answers (ability to understand question, give clear structured examples)

Level of responding to abstract questions (e.g. strengths, weaknesses, why should we recruit you? Etc.)

Awareness of and evidence of research on company culture and sector ✓

Gestures, non-verbal signs and actions showing suitable attitude (e.g. avoiding irritating noises and movements)

Clarify of answers (tone, level, clarity)

Closing of interview: final question by interviewee

Managing in strategic context

5.3 Detailed description of assessment
The assessment for this course consists of two submissions which build upon each other. The Lincoln Electric case study will be used here for both submissions and it will be available on Moodle. The first submission consists of a 1,500 word report. The second submission consists of a 2,000 word report. All work for this course is to be done individually.
Submission Specifications:
Submission 1: (30% of mark) (1,500 word report)
Read the Lincoln Electric case study (available on Moodle) and prepare a report answering the following:
Explain the main features (overall strategy; philosophy; compensation; leadership; communication) of the Lincoln Electric business model and employment system.
Using frameworks/literature of the course discuss how generalisable is the Lincoln business model to other industries?
How generalisable is the Lincoln’s approach to employment and incentive in other countries? Taking into account the Human Resources practices and Incentive System at Lincoln analyse the main stakeholders influencing these practices in India and discuss the challenges faced by the organisation.

Submission 2: (70% of mark) (2,000 words)
Read the Lincoln Electric case study (available on Moodle) and prepare a report answering the following:
Analysis of India’s Expansion
Should Lincoln Electric expand in India by investing in a major facility there? Using frameworks/literature of the course justify your answer with an analysis of the external environment.
Taking into account the lessons learned from expansion into other countries what strategy should Lincoln Electric choose to enter India – an acquisition, a joint venture or building a new plant on its own? Justify your answer.
What challenges you may foresee as a result of your strategic choice? Make recommendations to overcome these challenges.


a. Individual Reflection : – The reflection is divided into two parts:
+ In Part 1 (400 words) you are required to reflect upon your own personal experience with leadership while working with your consulting group (e.g., what was your experience as a leader?, were you a leader? why or why not?, what aspects of leadership were prevalent in your group?, what were the key challenges?, how did you overcome these challenges?).
+ In Part 2 (400 words), you need to choose one of the articles (essential or background reading) that was assigned to you during the week your topic was covered in the term and demonstrate: a) how you incorporated this reading into your presentation, b) a brief summary (in your own words) of what this article was about, and c) what you personally learned from reading this article.

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management (SIM337)

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management (SIM337)
Hand in: Friday 17
July 2015
Submission to be made electronically in PDF .doc or .docx format via
JIRA online submission system
Assessment weighted at 100% assessing all module learning outcomes.
Prepare a management report of 3,500 to 4,000 words* on an organisation
within the manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment, or
wholesale trade (excluding motor vehicles)** in a country or countries with
which you are familiar. [An organisation profile must be included in your
submission as “Appendix 1”.]
This report should assess the impact of external business environmental
factors on the organisation and evaluate the organisation’s position and
responses. In the case of a large organization it is permissible to confine
your report to part of the organisation. An organization’s activities may
range beyond the designated industrial sector in which case the focus of
your report must be on the organisation’s activities within the designated sector.
* This word limit does not include th
tables, diagrams, appendices or refere
** Sectors (UK SIC C29, C30 & G46) res
classification (SIC) system or country e
Task 1
Give a brief overview of the prim
organization is subject and briefly e
to the organization. This first task s
of your overall report.
Task 2
Choose one of the following themes:

a) International regional integrat

b) Demographic factors
c) The importance of business law (employment law, consumer law,
competition law, etc.)
In relation to your chosen theme
i. analyse its relevance to your chosen organization and how it
influences policies and decision-making within your chosen
organization or industry-sector.
ii. critically evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s response.
iii. (if possible and appropriate) demonstrate some areas for
improvement in the response of the organization.

Guidance notes:
Whatever organization you choose and whichever theme you chose, you must
clearly demonstrate knowledge and understanding from research and reading
wider than that contained in the module pack and core textbook. This is a
REPORT and so must be presented in business report format and style. You
must also structure your report to cover the tasks including points 2.i to 2.iii
above. This is an academic piece of work therefore you are expected to link
theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit
has a high standard of presentation. This is an individual assignment. You
must acknowledge your sources of information and evidence using the
Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University’s regulations on collusion and plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic
form for checking (if possible a Turnitin report must also be submitted).

Summary Assessment Criteria
1. Relevance: Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment. (10%)
2. Knowledge: A substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp
of themes, questions and issues therein. (20%)
3. Analysis: Good analysis, clear and orderly (20%)
4. Argument and structure: Coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate
mode of argument and/or theoretical model(s). (20%)
5. Critical evaluation: Contains distinctive or independent thinking; may formulate
an independent position in relation to theory and/or practice. (10%)
6. Presentation: Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readable
style with an acceptable format. (10%)
7. Reference to literature: Critical appraisal of up-to-date and/or appropriate

AC6003 Social and Environmental Accounting

Task 3 Reassessment Brief: Individual assignment
1. Module code and title AC6003 Social & Environmental Accounting
2. Module tutor Michelle Cook
3. Tutor with responsibility for this Assessment Michelle Cook
This is your first point of contact
4. Task 1
Weighting, Type and Size of Assessment 003: 50% Coursework: Individual, standard written: 2000 words

You will be penalised according to the Academic Regulations for Taught Provision if you exceed the size limit.

5. Submission deadline Monday 24th August 2015

Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission; see Academic Regulations for Taught Provision

6. Arrangements for submission
One soft copy to Admin’s email and one hard copy at office

7. Date and location for return of work
31st August 2015
8. Disabled students
Alternative assessment arrangements may be made, where appropriate, for disabled students. However, these will only be implemented upon the advice of the Disability Advisor. Disabled students wishing to be considered for alternative assessment arrangements must give notification of the disability (with evidence) to the Disability Advisor by the published deadlines.

9. University Regulations for Assessment

All assessments are subject to the Academic Regulations for Taught Provision. These include regulations relating to Errors of Attribution and Assessment Offences. In exercising their judgement, Examiners may penalise any work where the standard of English, numeracy or presentation adversely affects the quality of the work, or where the work submitted exceeds the published size or time limits, or where the work fails to follow normal academic conventions for acknowledging sources.

10. Requirements for the assessment
“An organisation’s sustainability depends on its ability to build and maintain sustainable relationships with all of its key stakeholders including the broader community”( Perrini and Tencati, 2006).
With reference to academic literature, critically evaluate the above statement in no more than 2,000 words.
Students may find the following articles useful:
Gadenne, D., Sands, J., Mia, L. (2012). The association between sustainability performance management goals and organisational performance. E-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, 3(2), 27-42.

Manetti, G. (2011) The quality of stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: empirical evidence and critical points. Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, 18(2), 110-122.

Perrini, F. and Tencati, A. (2006). Sustainability and stakeholder management: the need for new
corporate performance evaluation and reporting systems, Business Strategy and the
Environment, 15, 296 – 308.
Sangle, S. (2010). Critical success factors for corporate social responsibility: a public sector perspective. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 17(4), 205-214.
11. Assessment Criteria
The assessment will be marked in line with the marking scheme and grid shown at Appendix 1
12. Referencing
Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course. These conventions apply to information taken from internet sources, as well as books, journals and lectures. If you are unsure of the way to reference properly, seek advice from a member of staff before you submit the assessment.
These are some of the points you should check before submitting your work:
• Are all direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, suitably acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented)?
• Have you provided full details of the source of the quotation, according to the referencing convention used in the Course?
• Have you acknowledged the source of ideas not your own, even if you are not quoting directly from the source?
• Have you avoided close paraphrase from sources? (Check that you are not presenting other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)
• If you have worked closely with others in preparing for this assessment, is the material you are presenting sufficiently your own?
In submitting your work for assessment you are making a statement that it is your own work, it has not been submitted for any other assessment, and it does not infringe the ethical principles set out in the University’s Handbook for Research Ethics.

Appendix 1
AC6003 Task 3: Individual Assignment Marking Grid
Description Fail
0 – 29% Refer
30 – 39% Pass 3:0
40 – 49% Pass 2:2
50 – 59% Pass 2:1
60 – 69% Pass 1st
70 – 84% Pass 1st
85 – 100%
No structure, difficult for reader to follow Inadequate structure, evidence of poor design Some evidence of weak design, lacks logic in parts Satisfactory design, although some areas of weakness Effective design, easy to follow, logical Elegant design, creative, independent and imaginative Completely original and innovative design
Restricted information, little/no references Inadequate range of content and limited relevant reading Satisfactory but incomplete, evidence of some reading Good range of information and terminology Detail and overview of factual information is very good, evidence of wide gathering of information Comprehensive review of factual information with correct emphasis Professional review of factual information which goes beyond the bounds of the question
Confused, no interpretation of facts or evidence, significant errors Errors of understanding, poor explanation, unconvincing Satisfactory understanding, some errors, largely descriptive, satisfactory explanation Good understanding and explanations, minor errors/some areas of weakness Comprehensive understanding, some areas less clear, most of answer to high standard Comprehensive and demonstrates excellent grasp of complexity, error free, complete answer Comprehensive and demonstrates exceptional understanding of complex issues, error free, expands the bounds of the question
No attempt to apply theory Very little application of theory, largely descriptive Limited application of theory, may be incomplete Correct application of theory, reasonable answer meeting major elements Professional approach, integrates theory into practice using examples, mainly correct, some marginal errors Comprehensive and excellent application of theory Exceptional application of theory which is comprehensive and makes use of real-life examples
No significant analytical ability, unclear Fails to correctly identify components of arguments, little logic Fair discussion, some structure to argument but not always logical Generally logical and clear argument, adequate arguments, some linkages Good recognition of relationships, analysis based on some evidence Highly effective analysis, excellent analytical skills, elegance in argument Exceptional analysis and analytical skills, innovative arguments
Critical evaluation
No judgement or appraisal Inadequate appraisal, no clear views developed Some appraisal, judgement unclear Satisfactory appraisal which evaluates major limitations but not always convincing Comprehensive appraisal, some areas less clear, most of answer to high standard Excellent appraisal which is well justified and takes into account other sources Exceptional appraisal which is extremely well justified, is convincing and takes into account a wide range of other sources
Quality of references
Little/no references Inadequate range of content and limited relevant reading, poor referencing Satisfactory but incomplete, evidence of some reading, barely adequate referencing Some good references which may not be recent Evidence of wide gathering of information from good/recent sources Very good referencing throughout Exceptional referencing
Use of English
(5%) Poor use of English, difficult to understand Unsatisfactory English Adequate English Competent English Competent English and fluent writing style Excellent English with distinct writing style Exceptional use of English and grammar with original writing style

AC6003 Assignment 003 Marking Scheme
Student Number
Task Number 003
Marks Available Marks Awarded Comment
Structure 10
Knowledge 15

Understanding 15

Application 15
Analysis 15
Critical evaluation 15
Quality of references 10
Use of English 5
Additional Comments


Money, Banking and Finance APC312 Individual assignment

Weighting – 100% of the marks for this module

This is an individual assignment of about – 2,500 -3000 words.

The hand in date is: X January 2015

Please submit a hard copy to the Gateway by 3pm and the electronic version to Turnitin.


This assignment is in two parts.
Each part carries equal weighting.

Part A.
Discuss why banks need to be more regulated in terms of risks they face compared to other financial firms.

Part B
Critically analyse the competitive conditions in the banking industry.

The University policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work.


Students should approach this assignment as an academic essay, weighing the arguments for and against each issue, making comment on the literature and drawing logical conclusions. Referencing is a key requirement of the assignment to demonstrate wider reading and to underpin the discussions, ensuring they have sufficient depth.

Assignment- Financial Markets (APC 313) – January 2015.

Q1. (a) Explain what you understand by each of the following terms. In each case give an example relating to the financial markets to illustrate your answer.
• asymmetric information
• moral hazard
• quantitative easing (QE)
Asymmetric information
– Please refer to page 196 of chapter 9. Define and explain the term “asymmetric information” related to financial market. Let say, relationghip between supplier and end-users of capital. ….
– The connection between asymmetric information and market faiure lines with risk. Please clarify this issue.
– Take examples from financial market supporting for above explainations

Moral hazard
Definition and explaination come from page 197 of chapter 9. Please clarify some main points:
– Moral hazrd refers to the situation whereby end-users obtain and use fund in different way or risker than expectation of lenders.
– Moral hazard is a very troublesome issue for regulators.
– Take example from financial market.
Quantitative easing
– Please refer to handout slides for definition, objective of QE, how does it work, ….
– Take examples.
(b) With close reference to your answer in part (a) above, discuss why there is a need to regulate financial markets.
– Please refer to page 7 & 8 of chapter 1 and 201 of chapter 9 to explain that regulation is the best way to protect participants of financial market.
– Please refer to page 8 of chapter 1 to explain that regulation is also understand the tool to achieve of financial stability of financial system because of contagion of dominic effect in financial market.
– Other reason should be supposed…..
Q.2 Distinguish between the spot and the forward foreign exchange rates. How are these rates related and determined in the foreign exchange markets ?
Spot rate
– refer to page 127 of chapter 6 for definition and explaination
Forward rate
– refer to page 128&129 of chapter 6 for difinition and explaination
– refer to page 129&130 of chapter 6
– exchange rate risk in attached file
– Others…
How these rate related and determined ….
– Please refer to chapter 7: page 146 – 150

Q3(a) Explain the operations and activities of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) market.
– page 86-89 of chapter 4
– …
(b) With close reference to the relevant theoretical and the empirical literature and your own financial data analysis critically assess the efficiency of this stock exchange market.
– Theory of EMH
– Literature review of EMH research in LSE
– Collecting share price of some stock listed in LSE: explain how information are affected on share price. Please refer to page 68-71 of chapter 4, understanding share price date to know how to explain
(c) How might recent upward surges in the FTSE 100 share price index be explained?
– Reference: part 4.3 The pricing of company shares page 72 – 77

Q (4) (a) Explain the operation and activities of the Money Market. Why is there a need for such a market?
Basic concepts & definition
• The term money market is a bit confusing , because money or currencies are not actually traded in Money Markets.
• Securities (eg treasury bills, government bonds) that are traded, are short –term and highly liquid , that is, they are close to being like money and can easily being converted into money.
• The Money Markets can therefore be characterised as having securities that trade in one year or less , are of large denomination and are very liquid.
• Note that Money market transaction are not taking place in any one particular locations/building- they are normally done electronically from various locations
• Money Markets securities have three basic characteristics in common:
• They are usually bought and sold in large volumes- usually in excess of $1million or frequently about $100 million (wholesale markets)
• They have low default risk and therefore low interest rates.
• They mature in less than a year- usually in less than 120 days.
The purpose of Money market
• Money Market provides a means to invest(warehouse) funds and to borrow large sums over a short period of time, at slightly better interest rates compared to banks, but without losing liquidity and fear of default. The only condition is that the transactions have to be large. This in turn limits the number of key participants in this markets to only a few .
Key players
• Governments/Central Banks- For example US Treasury, Bank of England- Sell Treasury/Government bills to fund national debts- Also buy /sell to control money supply.
• Large Businesses- Buy and sell securities( T-Bills) to manage finance/cash.
• Commercial Banks-Buy/sell (T-Bills) for their operations and for clients.
• Investment companies(brokerage firms)-trade on behalf of clients (normally lend)
• Finance companies- buy/sell to lend money to individuals ( normally borrow)
• Insurance companies-Maintain liquidity needed to meet unexpected demand.
• Pension funds- Maintain funds to buy stock/shares .
• Individuals – Via Money Markets Mutual funds.
The primary and secondary of money market
The need for and the purpose of The Money Market
• The Money Market essentially complement the banking industry. They exists because they can provide cost advantage over the banking industry.
• The banking industry primary exists so that savers-lenders could lend to borrowers- spenders. Banks earn profits by capturing economies of scale while providing this service.
• Cost advantage: Banks must put aside a portion of their deposits ( usually between 3-10% )in the form of reserves that are held without interest at the central banks (reserve ratio) . This means that it must pay a lower interest to the depositors compared to having the full deposit to lend.
• Also due to lack of competition in the banking industry ,interest rates are not normally subject to variations .
The Key function of Money Markets
• The key function of the money markets is the provision of a framework for the conduct
of monetary policy by the central banks/ bank
of England.
• Monetary policy normally consists of setting interest rate by the central bank in order to control inflation rate via reduction in demand; also setting interest rate in order to stimulate demand and employment.

(b) Explain how a central bank might use the Money Market to conduct monetary policy in order to target the rate of inflation.
Monetary policy
• Monetary policy Instrument – Policy rate of interest- determined in the UK by the Monetary Policy Committee on a monthly basis – they set the policy rate of interest to control the rate of inflation- Monetary policy Target. (Inflation Targeting).
• Mechanism: Changes in the policy rate are transmitted quickly to all other rates of return and quickly changes the short –term rates of interests for borrowing and lending and therefore ultimately influencing level of aggregate demand and rate of inflation in the economy.
Example: Conduct of Monetary policy in Practice via London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR)
• Key players :
1. Central Bank/Bank of England (MPC) determines the Policy rate of interest.
2. Commercial Banks operate on the basis of fractional reserve ratio and must maintain these ratios(3-10% of liabilities/deposits) with the Central bank/BOE at all times.
IF there is a shortage in their ratio . They can borrow either
(a) from the BOE at MPC+ 1%
(b) from other commercial bank at the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR).
If they have surplus in the reserve, they can leave it in the BOE getting MPC-1% , or deposit it with other banks at LIBOR.
• Changes in MPC rate influences the demand and supply of interbank transactions, this in turn changes the LIBOR and return on all other instruments via arbitrage activities leading to a change in the short-run rates of interest in the market, which is the target of the central bank in this monetary policy operation.
• A rise in the Policy rate
• Suppose Central bank/BOE raises the Policy rate to reduce the inflationary pressures.
• This rise in policy rate will quickly rises the LIBOR via interbank transactions-
• The rise in the LIBOR will quickly increase the interest rates offered by the commercial banks/building societies in the market.
• The rise in the market rates of interest will reduce demand for loans /borrowing leading to fall in consumers’ spending and ultimately to fall in the rate of inflation.
Here is the way to explain how money market is used to conduct monetary policy to achieve target of inflation. BUT PLEASE DON’T COPY IN YOUR ASSIGNMENT

Guidance and Preparation Note:

1.Each question should be answered with reference to the key published academic literature and relevant financial data and evidence. Each part , excluding Q .3 (b) requires a focused answer within 500-600 word limit.

2.For Q.3(b) you need to review carefully key academic literature and published supporting empirical evidence , combine theory with evidence and your own financial data analysis ( including data on the traded share prices within the framework of the LSE market), to arrive at a conclusion. Normally this process can be done within a 1500 word limit plus an appropriate data appendix if required.

Assessment Criteria

1.Evidence of background reading and relevance of the material to the question posed.

2.Appropriate use of Harvard referencing system .

3.Depth of analysis based on relevant academic literature and empirical evidence.

4. Appropriate conclusion based on relevant analysis and
empirical evidence/ financial data provided.

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management (SIM337)

Assessment weighted at 100% assessing all module learning outcomes.
Prepare a management report of 3,500 to 4,000 words* on an organization within the manufacture of textiles, manufacture of wearing apparel or
food and beverage service activities ** in a country or countries with which you are familiar. [An organization profile must be included in your submission as “Appendix 1”.]
This report should assess the impact of external business environmental factors on the organization and evaluate the organization’s responses. In the case of a large organization it is permissible to confine your report to part of the organization. An organization’s activities may range beyond the designated industrial sector in which case the focus of your report must be on the organization’s activities within the designated sector.
* This wordlimit does not include the executive summary, organization profile, tables, diagrams, appendices or references.
** Sectors C13, C14 or I56 respectively in the UK standard industrial classification (SIC) system or equivalent. See < >.
Task 1
Give a brief overview of the primary external influences to which the organization is subject and briefly explain the particular importance of each to the organization. This first task should contribute no more than one third of your overall report.
Task 2
Choose one of the following themes:
a) The changing competitive environment (Porter’s Five Forces)
b) Global political institutions
c) Technological change

In relation to your chosen theme
i. analyse its relevance to your chosen organization and how it influences policies and decision-making within your chosen organization or industry-sector.
ii. critically evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s response.
iii. demonstrate some areas for improvement in the response of the organization.

Guidance notes:
Whatever organization you choose and whichever theme you chose, you must clearly demonstrate knowledge and understanding from research and reading wider than that contained in the module pack and core textbook. This is a REPORT and so must be presented in business report format and style. You must also structure your report to cover points i to iii above. This is an academic piece of work therefore you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. This is an individual assignment. You must acknowledge your sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University’s regulations on collusion and plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic form for checking.

Summary Assessment Criteria
1. Relevance: Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment. (10%)
2. Knowledge: A substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp of themes, questions and issues therein. (20%)
3. Analysis: Good analysis, clear and orderly (20%)
4. Argument and structure: Coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical model(s). (20%)
5. Critical evaluation: Contains distinctive or independent thinking; may formulate an independent position in relation to theory and/or practice. (10%)
6. Presentation: Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readable style with an acceptable format. (10%)
7. Reference to literature: Critical appraisal of up-to-date and/or appropriate literature. Recognition of different perspectives. Good use of a range of sources. (10%)
(See marking scheme for more detailed guidance)

Commentary on the Assessment Criteria / Marking scheme

Relevance (weighting: 10%)
“Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment”
You need to do what the assignment requires. Read the question or task carefully and do what it asks rather that what you would prefer to do. Keep focused on the task and avoid irrelevant material.

Task one is to “Give a brief overview of the primary external influences to which the organization is subject and explain the particular importance of each to the organization.”
Task two is in relation to a chosen theme to:
i. “analyse its relevance to your chosen organization how it influences policies and decision-making within your chosen organization or industry-sector.”
ii. “critically evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s response.”
iii. “demonstrate some areas for improvement in the response of the organization.”
In task one you need to cover a range of external business environment factors but emphasis should vary according to the degree of relevance. In task two more in-depth analysis, evaluation and recommendations are required.

Knowledge (weighting 20%)
“A substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp of themes, questions and issues..”
You need to demonstrate your knowledge of the relevant material. Demonstrate to your reader that you really understand the material and that you are not merely paraphrasing. A good use of applications and examples will be essential in doing this.
“Under this criterion we are looking to see that you understand what is meant by the range of external business environmental factors and understand in some depth the relevance of the chosen theme. ‘There will be a tendency to give facts and definitions either as direct quotations or paraphrased but students need to demonstrate a real understanding by applying and illustrating the concepts. For example……..”

Analysis (weighting 20%)
“Good analysis, clear and orderly.”
You need to give a good analysis (explanation) and avoid too much description. Description is relatively superficial whereas analysis gives a deeper explanation.
“Students will tend to describe what is meant by ………..and so on. What is needed here is analysis (explanation).For example, when considering the potential impact of food-safety regulations it is not sufficient to merely say that the regulations will impact on a firm’s operations we need some explanation of how they could impact on such a firm.” This applies to task one but even more so to task two.

Argument and Structure (weighting: 20%)
“Generally coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical model(s)”
Your argument needs to be clear, coherent and logical and you should use relevant theoretical models and evidence in support of your argument. Avoid mere assertion. Make sure that you understand what your argument is and avoid merely stringing together a series of points.
“Assertions need to be substantiated either by reference to authoritative sources or by evidence and logical argument. For example, a statement about a firm’s competitive advantage would need to be substantiated by a reference to an authoritative source or evidence and argument. “This could give it a competitive advantage over rivals because………………”
Weaknesses in this area would be indicated by marking comments such as ‘Substantiate!’, ‘Why?’, ‘How? and so on..”

Critical Evaluation (weighting 10%)
“Should contain some distinctive or independent thinking; should begin to formulate an independent position in relation to theory and/or practice.”
This is particularly relevant to task two where recommendations should be based on and should flow from the analysis and evaluation.
To gain these marks you need to be demonstrating your own judgement rather than just relying on the judgements of others. For example, “‘A’ considers that………. ‘B’ considers that……. On balance this report reaches the following conclusion…………”
The requirement of this assignment cannot be completed relying on the work of others so any reasonably successful paper must have a fairly high level of originality.

Presentation (weighting 10%)
“Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readable style with acceptable format.”
An “acceptable format” for a report will be relatively formal in style with headings and sub-headings
(See “A Simple Guide to Report Writing”.)

Reference to Literature (weighting: 10%)
“Critical appraisal of up-to-date and/or appropriate literature. Recognition of different perspectives. Very good use of source material. Uses a range of sources.” You need to demonstrate a good use of a range and quality of up-to-date materials. Literature use limited to the main text and/or superficial/out-of-date www sources will score badly.

In addition, all work must be referenced correctly using the Harvard style. Marks will be subtracted for poor referencing and more serious cases of plagiarism or collusion will be reported to the University of Sunderland Faculty of Business and Law Infringement Panel. (See a guide to Harvard referencing.)