Money, Banking and Finance APC312 Individual assignment

Weighting – 100% of the marks for this module

This is an individual assignment of about – 2,500 -3000 words.

The hand in date is: X January 2015

Please submit a hard copy to the Gateway by 3pm and the electronic version to Turnitin.


This assignment is in two parts.
Each part carries equal weighting.

Part A.
Discuss why banks need to be more regulated in terms of risks they face compared to other financial firms.

Part B
Critically analyse the competitive conditions in the banking industry.

The University policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work.


Students should approach this assignment as an academic essay, weighing the arguments for and against each issue, making comment on the literature and drawing logical conclusions. Referencing is a key requirement of the assignment to demonstrate wider reading and to underpin the discussions, ensuring they have sufficient depth.

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